
w/c 1st January 2024


I ran power to my garage over the Christmas break, as the start of the grand plan to turn it into a workshop. The decision to use the space as a workshop was made somewhat easier by our discovery upon moving in that the shape of the alley at the back of our house actually makes it impossible to manoeuvre a car into it. So workshop it is.

Step two was to build a basic workbench – something I’ve found myself desperately wanting whilst trying to do various things over the past few months. So that’s what I built this weekend.

Aside from my palm sander exploding part way through all went relatively smoothly and I’m pleased with the result.

Here’s me conducting a rigorous lateral stability test before putting the top on:

And having put the top on, the followup load bearing test:

The end result, in it’s natural habit (enclosed by crap):

Ultimately this will be moved to the other end of the garage, with my plan being to build a partitioning wall to insulate and semi-finish the end it currently sits in. The insulated half will be a coding and electronics workspace, whilst the uninsulated half will be a woodworking and metalworking space. Timescales exceptionally tbc.