
w/c 30th October 2023


My forays into home automation continue – this week with some smart bulbs that I’ve integrated with smlkjns_assistant.

Still on the to-do list: RGB control. Meanwhile I’ve built out energy usage reporting a little further, in case I was short of reasons to be obsessive about money.

At work this week I’ve been doing some fiddling with postcode data, specifically to work with POLAR4 and TUNDRA statistics. This data is available from the Office for Students but in a not especially accessible format, so I’ve made a public repository of just the basics here: Some of my earliest lessons in “perhaps Excel isn’t the right tool for working with this data” stem from trying to match irregularly formatted postcodes to 2.5 million row long look-ups and whilst spending a day watching a spinning Power Query loading icon does illicit a certain sense of nostalgia in me, I’m glad to now be doing this in a few lines of Python and a fraction of the time.

Speaking of “a few lines of Python”, I enjoyed Github’s contribution graphs turning spooky-themed this week. (can you spot the month in which we moved house?)

In the real world, we went to a bonfire and fireworks display at the local cricket club last night. Decent display, though they’d sold out of mulled wine, so I have to knock them down to 7/10.

As I have never and will never commit to my weeknotes being solely about the week they’re written in, which would be too grimly predictable and straightforward, here’s a bonus photo from last week’s fun (photo credit to Meg).

And here’s a photo from this morning of me and Socks soaking up some rays.